object pronouns ne demek?

Object pronouns, also known as objective pronouns, are pronouns that typically receive the actions of a verb within a sentence. They are used to replace nouns that are the recipients of an action or the objects of a preposition. In English, object pronouns include:

  • Me (replaces the pronoun "I" when it is the object of a verb)
  • You (replaces the pronoun "you" when it is the object of a verb)
  • Him (replaces the pronoun "he" when it is the object of a verb)
  • Her (replaces the pronoun "she" when it is the object of a verb)
  • It (replaces the pronoun "it" when it is the object of a verb)
  • Us (replaces the pronoun "we" when it is the object of a verb)
  • You (replaces the pronoun "you" when it is the object of a verb, used for both singular and plural)
  • Them (replaces the pronoun "they" when it is the object of a verb)

Object pronouns are placed after the verbs or prepositions in a sentence and help to clarify who or what is the recipient of the action being described.